The US debt crisis marks the end, at least for some years to come, of American exceptionalism - the idea that the normal rules of national conduct do not apply. And because exceptionalism tempted the country into grave misjudgments, this is a good thing.
As colonists escaping European religious persecution, Americans have long thought of themselves as missionaries. As the author Herman Melville put it in 1850: "We are the peculiar chosen people - the Israel of our time. We bear the ark of the liberties of the world."
And there was indeed some truth to this claim. During the Cold War, for instance, America was the protector of freedom against communist oppression. A US president was not called the leader of the free world for nothing.
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Illustration: Michael Mucci
But exceptionalism has been used to justify all manner of policies. The phrase "manifest destiny" was first used to justify US war against Mexico to annex its territory.
The belief in exceptionalism proved a terrible temptation to abandon prudence. In the post-Soviet world, the US fell in love with the idea that it was "the sole superpower." Its elites and its leaders misinterpreted this to mean that its power was limitless.
Today's debt crisis is the culminating point of three clear examples of great blundering under the idea that America was special.
First was the decision to wage a discretionary war, the invasion of Iraq. Although the invasion was conducted under the pretence of a pre-emptive strike against weapons of mass destruction, it was waged in pursuit of a greater cause.
Former US president, George W. Bush, spoke of it five times in a single press conference in April 2004: "We're changing the world."
As soon as Bush was elected, long before the terrorist attacks of September, 2001, he tasked the Pentagon with the work of rewriting the National Security Strategy, which a professor of military history at Yale University, John Lewis Gaddis, described as perhaps "the most important reformulation of US grand strategy in over half a century".
The Bush strategy embraced the two key concepts of pre-emption and hegemony. In other words, the right to first strike and the right to global domination. Bush's national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, said that it was a time of danger for the US, but also "of enormous opportunity . . . a period akin to 1945 to 1947, when American leadership expanded the number of free and democratic states - Japan and Germany among the great powers - to create a new balance of power that favoured freedom".
The war to date has cost American taxpayers at least $US800 billion ($727 billion) on a narrow definition, and $US3 trillion ($2.7 trillion) on the broad definition used by the Democrat economist Joseph Stiglitz. It has cost more than 4000 US soldiers their lives and the country a great deal of national credibility. Intended to demonstrate the scope of US power, it illuminated its limits.
The second great indulgence was the vast financial bubble that seemed to be the best of times. But it was, in fact, laying the basis for the global economic crisis of 2009.
Summing up pre-crisis American delusion, US academic economists Carmen Reinhart and Ken Rogoff said: "The US, with the world's most reliable system of financial regulation, the most innovative financial system, a strong political system, and the world's largest and most liquid capital markets, was special." These elements proved to be the very weaknesses that caused the crisis.
The third was deliberate financial recklessness. The Bush administration needed to go into deficit in its earliest budgets because it inherited a recession in 2001. But Bush and the Congress should have used the next seven years of economic good times to bring the deficit in check. Instead, they ran up the debt.
When the then Treasury secretary, Paul O'Neill, tried to exert some discipline over the budget, the vice-president, Dick Cheney, rebuked him: "Reagan proved deficits don't matter. We won the [2002] midterms. This is our due."
Before Bush, Bill Clinton had managed to bring down two surplus budgets. When Bush and Cheney took power, the federal government had outstanding debts of $US5.6 trillion ($5.1 trillion). When they left eight years later, the debts were $US10 trillion.
Today, after a recession has eroded revenues and stimulus outlays have increased spending, the debt is $US14.3 trillion. That is about 99 per cent of GDP - above the tipping point, where the interest starts to snowball the debt into an ever-growing liability.
Washington knew the problem was serious, but its approach was leisurely. As the supplier of the world's reserve currency, it was, once again, special. The normal rules didn't apply.
"We have the seeming gift of our ability to pay our bills in this currency that we alone can print," Jim Grant, publisher of Grant's Interest Rate Observer, said. "This gift is, in fact, a great detriment. It's no help to us that we have this magic credit card."
The markets had started to grow wary of the US dollar. China, its biggest foreign creditor, has belatedly started to diversify its foreign currency holdings into other assets. Serious and sober Americans, including the president of the World Bank, Bob Zoellick, and the Nobel Prize winning economist Robert Mundell, have called for a new global reserve system that includes a role for gold. This is a clear vote of no-confidence in the future of the US dollar. But US government debt, notably Treasury bonds, are such a staple of global money management that investors have still been prepared to buy more.
It took the debt ceiling crisis to force Washington into urgently confronting the problem of its never-ending liabilities. The agreed solution is only a tentative beginning, but good news for the allies of the US. The veteran non-partisan political commentator Charlie Cook said this week the US was becoming a "laughing stock" and a "banana republic". Countries like Australia don't need an America that is deluded and dysfunctional but one that husbands its power judiciously. Today's expected deal is a beginning.
Peter Hartcher is The Sydney Morning Herald'sinternational editor.