Healthy Smoke, Healthy Water; Egyptian Stocks Mummified; Food Imports Banned

Update 3: A New Radiation Forecast video from our Norwegian friends at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) shows that indeed, the radioactive plumes do not dissipate in the air and will soon cover the entire earth. However, since we are all now informed by certain experts that 'radiation is healthy,' this plume should help boost population numbers in countries with zero population growth and give a boost to the global economy. Next up - Monsanto awarded a $900 Billion gov't contract to produce Radioactive Resistant Corn (Plutonium FrankenKorn). The positive results can been seen here. 

Update 2: Hu Who said "no boots in Libya?" Tensions in the Middle East are escalating rapidly. The US will now deploy 2200 Marines to Libya. Yes, the plot thickens. Now with Israel on the brink of an all out Arab/West/Middle East/China/Russia War (let's call it what it is, WWIII), it might be time to fill up your car before gas goes to $5.00/gal. Certainly, rising fuel costs are due to increased demand due to the recovery we see around the globe. Isn't that right, Warren?

Update 1: Simply amazing news breaking from Japan - "Tokyo Electric Power Co. said Wednesday it has observed a neutron beam, a kind of radioactive ray, 13 times on the premises of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant after it was crippled by the massive March 11 quake-tsunami disaster." This means that the worst case scenario has occurred- Nuclear fission of Pu (Plutonium) and possibly U  (Uranium), has occurred and is being released into the environment at a tremendous rate. Now, not only do the citizens of Japan have to worry about Cesium or Iodine, they have to worry about Plutonium and Uranium. This would also explain the high temps coming from the reactors as fission is taking place. Of course, the officials claim it's safe.

Another day, another round of unbelievable news, with the Award For The Most Bizarre (AFTMB) being a toss up between nuclear engineers blowing their tops on flaws in the Fukushima reactor's designs and a cartoon for children in Japan about the nuclear accident. You decide. Vote in the comment section.

First -- another round of whistleblowers coming forward to declare that the stricken Fukushima plant Mark 1 design by GE was "so flawed" it could lead to a major accident and they resigned out of protest. According to ABC News, "questions persisted for decades about the ability of the Mark 1 to handle the immense pressures that would result if the reactor lost cooling power, and today that design is being put to the ultimate test in Japan. Five of the six reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant, which has been wracked since Friday's earthquake with explosions and radiation leaks, are Mark 1s."

Of course, it doesn't stop there. GE designed 23 of these same reactors for use in the US - essentially exact copies of the ones in Fukushima. Needless to say, those same design flaws were carried over as the New York Times reports. What would happen if a major earthquake struck in any of those areas shown in the map below?

Second -- A nuclear emergency is not a time to be making baby talk, but the Japanese, in their best efforts to pacify their children into thinking everything is ok, have made a cartoon using "poo and farts" to explain the seriousness of this situation. Unfortunately, we think it failed. Which one is more bizarre?

In a new series of "a little radiation is safe for you" comes new reports showing extremely high levels of radiation in drinking water in Tokyo. It's a mystery to the best Japanese officials how that radiation got there! Perhaps it came from the healthy black smoke now seen rising out of a 700 degree reactor. While you're at it, consider that the level of radiation over a half mile from reactor 3 was 265.1-microsieverts-per-hour, enough to make you sick in minutes. We can assume the evacuation of the plant means something is brewing.

Now that spinach, milk and other items from Japan are radioactive, countries from Hong Kong to the US are halting imports of Japanese food products. Of course, Warren Buffet sees this as positive for the economy along with the complete shut down of dozens of factories and plants across Japan. Supply chains? Who needs that? Speaking of positive, this disaster is now the costliest incident ever by a long shot to hit the world. Put your rally hats on!

Not to be missed this week are the collapse of the Portuguese gov't over austerity measures and the Egyptian stock market crashing 10% on it's first day back in service after a long two month shut down. Guess the turkey was not ready yet.

More updates soon.