First, a must read from the New York Times. If you needed any more proof what a sham the scientific community has become nowadays, especially those guests you see invited on
Of course, the
Hold that thought - whatever occurs, we already know what plan A is - print a few Trillion Yen. Plan B is more or less the same, but multiplied by a factor of 10. And so on and so forth, until a loaf of bread costs more than an iPad2. Which seems very likely given rising inflationary pressures worldwide and a report from the Japanese Meteorological Agency showing "the country's 20 volcanoes have "become alive due to the massive March 11 earthquake" and a "chain earthquake over 9.0-magnitude might hit Japan and its offshore area." We doubt things will start to settle down anytime soon, especially with the sun becoming very active recently.
Which brings us to a theory I proposed a while back that solar eruptions (CME) cause earthquakes here on earth. Indeed, as I predicted based on a solar storm last week, given the ~3 day time it takes for the energy to reach the earth, an earthquake of 6.0+ magnitude will occur sometime between the 8th and 13th; as of today, we've had 4 on what seems to be the weakest link in the chain. Perhaps space weather deserves a little spot on the 10 o'clock news after your normal weather forecast, so keep an eye (or two) on Yellowstone and California, both of which might become the next weakest link.
There is a bit of good news today however, and this comes without any extra implied sarcasm - oil is down almost 4% today. Not that you'll see it reflected at the pump anytime soon, but it's nice to know
Something that may or may not be news worthy today is China is saying they will continue to support Spain with further bond purchases. Of course, we know how well that worked out for Greece when China said the same exact thing last year. Speaking of Greece, taking a peek at Greece's financials, yields (no pun intended) us a view at a completely unsustainable 13%(!) 10 year bond yield. Of course, this doesn't mean a thing... besides indicating Greece is 100% insolvent and has been and will always be; the same of which can be said for Ireland, Portugal and dare we say, Spain.
Check back often for more updates.