Go to this link next http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGQF8LAmiaE
Ok now let's assume you took the red pill and so then you realize how deep the rabbit hole goes. You have been lied and deceived by TPTB. As a matter of fact they obscured the truth intentionally to keep us ignorant. All they wanted was obedient slaves who would gladly take the crumbs from their table and beg "master may I have another?" They will use us and once we are used up, they will toss us out with the garbage. As George Carlin said "it is a big club and you are not in it!"
Welcome to the real world!
Go ahead and try to play their game. I am not being pessimistic I am being realistic. The outcome of your life is virtually predetermined. Freedom of choice? "Ha, you have no choice you are owned."
Some people just want to see the world burn.
"We The People" is a platitude for the weak, unorganized and easily manipulated. TPTB drain you and the land of all its natural resources. When they are done, they just move onto another place taking what they want from another unsuspecting population of ignorant beings.
I think that those who see the apocalypse coming (and I am not talking about Jesus coming for the chosen few) must prepare themselves to survive. What did Mugabe post from Marc Faber's blog? How to trade the Dow 1000.
"Buy a self-sustainable farm in the middle of nowhere surrounded by high voltage fences and barbed wire and equipped with booby traps and an arsenal of machine guns, hand grenades and armed vehicles guarded by vicious Dobermans". That was Marc Faber suggestion for trading the DOW below 1,000..."
It's time to get your affairs in order as this will not end well for everyone and we will not as I have long believed, muddle through. The math cannot be reckoned with and the piper will be paid. Deny and pray all you want, but our destiny just like the Roman Empire will come still the same. More taxes, more military intervention, more internment camps, more public desperation.
I have a plan and I am taking steps, but I will take action at the appropriate time. For now I am amassing as much wealth as I can before I leave. I listen intently to everyone's investment advice. I glean what I can and I do not think all of civilization is coming to an end. All I am saying is it is smart to have an escape plan in case it does.
Again I quote Marc Faber
“The next war will be a dirty war,” "What are you going to do when your mobile phone gets shut down or the internet stops working or the city water supplies get poisoned?” Marc Faber told fund managers in a keynote speech at CLSA’s annual investment forum in Tokyo early this year ,
“When I tell people to prepare themselves for a dirty war, they ask me: “America against whom?” I tell them that for sure they will find someone.”
I leave you with Mr. Agent Smith and Neo in the Final Battle and just like Neo I will fight back until the end.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
The ending is beautiful!