Update 1: A double eruption at the Mt Lokon volcano in Indonesia confirms that the "Ring of Fire" is heating up - quite literally. Coupled with a dozen or so earthquakes in that same region in the past 24 hours, we can see a lot more "economic stimulus" will be needed to fill the sinkholes and plug the volcanoes.
Update 2: We always wanted to visit Greece but now we believe holding off for another 10 years or so might be the wise choice, as protests shutdown airport and ports. Thousands of tourists stranded.
Update 3: A few companies you might want to avoid, for your health if not out of principles.
Main Article
Exactly one week ago, we reported that the latest 1H Greek budget was a complete and utter failure as they missed all "targets" by
Here again, none of our readers were surprised by this latest data
One of the very first articles used to test the waters on this site was an article we published about Greece, and we have been focusing on Greece because of the implications to the global economy. Back in March when we began, we had warned that the situation in Europe would continue to deteriorate and gave the PIIGS only months, if not weeks to live. Today, we see Italian, Spanish, Greek and Portuguese bonds imploding - but most notably the Spanish bonds which have seen the 10yr reach a new EU era high of 6.37% (and as we have been saying, the 7% EU threshold is getting closer to judgement day). As the EU begins to lose its grip on the PIIGS the bond prices will continue to plummet and yields skyrocket. The whole EU is looking like
You've heard, "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas," but now you see what happens in Greece spreads to Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the United States, the whole world, as it only takes one domino to cause the fall of many; think in a similar sense how Lehman and AIG fell and touched off this whole catastrophe. The only truly sovereign nations remaining will be those that don't rely solely on others and that have enough gold in reserves to back their paper currency. Funny, we can't seem to think of any.
Since this accelerating
Of course, nothing speaks
Which is why so many savvy investors are rushing to trade in their worthless fiat for gold and silver (both are up to highs, $1600 and $40 respectively). We can clearly see the fundamentals for $2000 gold and $70 silver are in the cards and as things spiral out of control, more fiat will be printed - all of this means higher prices for gold and silver - likely $50 silver by late August if things continue as is. We like to watch a little global balance indicator we like to call the 'JP Morgue to Silver Threshold', whereby the price of silver is higher than the price of one
Of course, the gold/silver bears will claim there is a bubble in gold forming but we firmly believe the only bubble forming is the fiat bubble (and the bubble on Dr. Deficit's head, which has turned into a boil). Say, have you tasted an iPad recently?
We posted this video way back in the "early days" but given the developments over the past few days, it would be wise to educate yourselves again by watching it again. Now who would have thought that watching cartoons could be so edgeyoumakayshunal? Well worth the 30 minutes.
From Fukushima, we learn so very disturbing but never unexpected news about the levels of radiation (and corruption) that is rampant across Japan. First, we are keeping a close eye on the Typhoon "Ma-on," which has turned into a category 4 super typhoon over the weekend and is headed straight for Japan. Work is being rushed to cover reactor 3 as it closes in.
Second, we learn from Energy News that "the new scandal appears to be much wider" as the cover up over radioactive beef and other atrocities committed by the Japanese gov't continues. When money is at stake, evil blinds the mind. As we first speculated, and as was later confirmed by a former Japanese official who resigned over a bad conscience, the "revelations" as he called it, over the radiation cover ups will really be shocking. We expect many more revelations over this catastrophe to come to the fore as the weeks roll by and humans and animals develop symptoms of radiation sickness. Like we've been saying, "you ain't seen nothing yet."