We've been tracking the growing trend of mass layoffs across the country (and the globe) and we can already speculate 500,000 will be the new black this season. In addition to the growing list of TBTF&TCTS banks that announced big layoffs this week, just today we learn that HSBC will be cutting 10,000 jobs. Of course, we expect that number to grow over the coming months. And it seems the layoff disease is not contained to just the bankster industry - Boston Scientific announced 1,400 job cuts today, which will save them $225 Million annually. Of course, we don't buy it. If they really wanted to cut costs they should begin at the top. It's particularly interesting that they are cutting 1,400
Speaking of Boston, here's an article that sounds as if it came from some poor third world nation in Africa - "Ranks of Hungry Children Swell, Worrying Doctors." It turns out, this is not some poor African nation, but instead, right here in Boston. Another sign of the times - while the banksters continue to build larger and larger 50 room mega mansions, children go hungry.
Which is ironic because the CEO of Siemens said today that the "global recovery" is over. That would be true, if the global recovery actually existed to begin with. Welcome to the Greatest Depression the world has ever seen. In the meantime, Apple will release the newest iPhone 5, 6 and 7 in short order to keep you occupied and distracted from reality and lure you in with trickery and cunning.
Again, the drama that is Washington is not going to solve anything. As we pointed out time and time again since this circus began, raising the debt ceiling or not raising the debt ceiling is of little consequence in the long term. If the latter occurs, the inevitable will come early; the Titanic is taking on water at a rate that gives it 2 months top. If the previous occurs, the inevitable will come later; the bilge pumps get turned on but are not able to keep up with the flood at a rate that buys 6 months. And by "inevitable" we mean total global economic collapse, which is mathematically guaranteed now. Gold and silver are on the one-way ride to infinity, and conversely all fiat currencies are on the one-way ride to being used as toilet paper. You can figure out the rest.
Now, the spark that started it all - Fukushima.
From our friends at EX-SKF, we learn about the giant propaganda machine and the brainwashing that the Japanese gov't tried and failed. A must read.
From Energy News, we learn that so far 154 U.S. servicemen have elevated radiation levels. But this is
where the story gets juicy - The military declines to release radioactivity levels where personnel worked. You fill in the blanks.
Finally, from Bloomberg we learn about a teacher who was "muzzled" against speaking about the dangers of radiation. In one word - sick.
The events of Fukushima should open your eyes to many things - the most important lesson is when disaster strikes, it's every man for himself and never believe anything "official."