For example we now know that all the while TEPCO was denying "rumors that cause harm to public morale" like the one about the nuclear fuel melting and going into re-criticality which releases huge amounts of radiation, we find the rumors to be true. Today, TEPCO finally admits to the fact that there was a full core nuclear meltdown (as we determined from the data way back in mid-March). Worse still, highly radioactive substances have been detected in Tokyo at levels that are higher than what was detected around the plant. That re-criticality, or nuclear fission, would explain why ever increasing levels of iodine 131 were being detected all over Japan and even thousands of miles away in California. Dr. Michio Kaku explains the double talk and the circus clowns and scandals."They're trying to protect their investments..." Well said.
The truth of the matter is much more than just "the evacuation zone" will be uninhabitable; some estimates have stated up to 30% of Japan's landmass may be rendered uninhabitable. That's unimaginable. For example, an independent study by an unnamed food manufacturing company discovered high levels of Plutonium over 30 miles (50 km) from Fukushima. That is well beyond the 12 mile evacuation zone. The real kicker is that the results of this study won't be released to the public because of fear of reaction from the public/media. Try spinning that into something bullish. Money over life, boys and girls. What happens when another big earthquake hits Japan? Here's a handy dandy live geiger counter for you east coasters.
In other news, the US is officially
Of course, what all of this means is that fiat is burning, and gold and silver are shining despite what the paper markets are doing. In fact, as we reported weeks ago when gold and silver started to drop from their highs, physical demand remains very high. Somebody with deep pockets knows. Speaking of deep pockets, the US is "borrowing" $58,000 per second just to keep the lights on. Calling Guiness Book of World Records, we have a new record for you.
Speaking of records, there must be a new one in this list. It'll blow your mind. I like this one in particular - "#20 Last year, China produced 11 times as much steel as the United States did." Meditate on that for a while. Then drink a beer. Or a bottle of Ouzo. That seems to help the PM of Greece.