Why two blogs?

Well after Google died for two days I opened a blog on Wordpress. It has a similar name, but it will have a different slant to it. You can find it at http://queenbeesinsidethehive.wordpress.com/

I never envisioned this blog to be about gloom and doom or bashing the government and the bankers. It is just too damn easy. So I have a place now where I can do that for articles like are posted now about JPM and the Matt Taibbi articles on Goldman Sachs. I can also post articles about the Euro crisis and other macroeconomic subjects.

This blog will be for charts about trading and trading concepts. I cannot offer anything other tahn my own opinions as inside trading is only for those who are members of The Big Club. The content will change slightly, but I have the mirror site on the blog list so if you want another slant on macros, Fukushima, Euro defaults etc feel free to read and comment there.

Sincerely yours