You know I haven’t written a post in some time, because I can usually just say what I want in the comment section. Every time I turn around someone is saying inflation and others saying deflation. Here is my opinion. I don’t care. The world is not static and for all peoples of the world you cannot toss a blanket statement and say aha! For some it is just a matter of survival.
We talk of trading the tape and fundamentals, we bash the politicians and bankers regularly, but nothing changes. You an I are the captains of our own ship and we can steer it in any direction we want, but the currents and constantly changing sea of the markets and politics will not always allow you safe passage.
For some people they will find an early death, while others live to a ripe old age. Either way it can be a blessing or a curse. My parents are now in assisted living at 80 and 85. We recently lost a dear member of our family a 25 year old cat. She died peacefully at Yvonne’s side as she stroked her for many days as we knew the end was near. None of these events can I change. I just have to roll with the punches.
The Hive continues to grow, but I cannot do much to change its nature. It has a life of its own. It is civilized and has many varying opinions. I like it that way and I assume that you do too. We do not seem to have groupthink. We are not fooled by the propaganda that is peddled on the MSM. We have taken the red pill and we know how deep the rabbit hole goes, yet most of those around us live oblivious in the Matrix. We cannot convince them as their eyes glaze over and they will just tune us out.
Our members are are scattered around the world in Great Britain, Canada, the Pacific Northwest, Oklahoma, Spain, New England, Florida, California, Taiwan and OZ. I am forever grateful for all the research that Shaza does. It is my hope that Taxhaven will be happy moving back to Canada and Bukko to Northern Cal .
We continue on our merry way being buffeted by the waves from time to time. It is only through constant vigilance that our boats stay afloat. Whether a cataclysmic event were to occur like the Tsunami in Indonesia or the nuclear catastrophe in Japan or the tornados that hit Missouri and the poorest southeastern states we will carry on.
The politicians will continue to feed us BS propaganda; the TBTF banks will continue to loot the treasury and many countries throughout the world will default. Young men and women die needlessly in the Middle East , but life is suffering. Not one of us can bring them home. Not even Obama as the whole mess has also taken on a life of it own. Many Americans are still afraid 10 years after 9/11. We gladly sacrifice our way of life for the illusion of safety. Again all of this is beyond our control.
I guess if every day was a good day how would I know the difference? Your path is your own, but you are also responsible for your choices. Find compassion for your fellow man and find solace that we are all a very small part of the universe and our lives are but flickering flames. They are gone before you know it. Enjoy each day as if it were your last as it very well might be. Thank you all for being a part of The Hive and listening to me ramble.
Jennifer aka The Queenbee